Day 69: Something Special Has Sprung…

...SPRING has sprung, silly! You and your dirty mind had to go and get all imaginative. What do you think this is, a blog about creativity? ...For crackers' sake! So, anyway, have you beautiful friends of mine been to the gorgeous city of Madrid yet? If you have, I bet you made it to Parque... Continue Reading →

Day 63: Carnival vs Carnaval

During the rule of the dictator General Franco in Spain, the traditional end of Winter celebration called Carnaval was prohibited in all but one small village. Since the oppression ended thirty-ish years ago, these celebrations have come to represent something more than the Carnaval of antiquity and the energy level is intense. The magic lasts... Continue Reading →

Day 61: Nature & Architecture

I adore when architecture and nature coexist harmoniously. This weekend I went to a small pueblo in Western Spain to figure out what this whole Carnaval fuss is about. Extremadura is known for its week-long fiestas but what captured my attention today was the pueblo's architecture (of course) and more than once I was almost... Continue Reading →

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